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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Revenge On A Cheating Husband

Dear Queen:

My husband had cheated some years ago, but I have had a really hard time trusting him, even though I love him.  Now that he has decided to be all nice and loving, I don't know if I should believe it.  I have even thought of having a fling so that we could be 'even', but I haven't had the heart.  What should I do?  - BG

Dear BG:  Getting even won't solve the problem.  The fact that you love him and decided to stay should tell you that your heart is still in the marriage.  So you have a choice to make . . . will you live in the past or live in the future?  If you live in the past, you will always refer back to what he did and be stuck in those hurt feelings.  If you choose to live in the future, you see your husband as the man he is and will be, not the man that he was.  By deciding to stay, you must have believed somewhere in your heart that he was worth fighting for.  My advice to you . . . less doubting and more loving.  If he apologized for his wrong, choose to forgive him and LOVE him. 


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