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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Being Mom & Dad

How many of our black women are both Mom and Dad to their children? 

I was thinking about this, comparing the current mentality of our black families to that of slavery.  Black men were only useful for planting seeds to breed the next generation of workers (slaves) who would then grow up to repeat the cycle.  Black men were regarded as nothing more than animals, forced to move from one woman to the next without creating that familial bond.

Now we see so many of our black children growing up in single parent homes, as if that is the norm.  Men creating numerous children, yet being a true father to none.  When does it end?  When will we take back our families and start to show our children that families can be made up of TWO parents?  I was once a single mother, having to be both the nurturer and disciplinarian . . . masculine and feminine.  And I regarded this as 'normal'.  It took a strong man to show me how much my son and I needed that strong man in our lives.

To any of the men out there who have been playing the role of the slave . . . today is the day to change.  Go be the parent your children need you to be.  Don't let the cycle continue.

What are your thoughts?



  1. This mindset has been in existence for over 300 years. How long will it will take to turn it around?
    Starting one man at a time isn't for naught, though. After all that's how it all started.

    1. I agree . . . each one teach one. Thank you for your insight!
